The Endgame and Director's Cut with Ned Phillips | Ep. 08

On episode 8 of The Buddy Ruski Show, Justin FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY gets back to podding, and who better to join me than Ned Phillips, film director and recently un-retired pick up hoops veteran.
On episode 8 of The Buddy Ruski Show, Justin FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY gets back to podding, and who better to join me than Ned Phillips, film director and recently un-retired pick up hoops veteran.

We talk about growing up in Durham, his early career as an amateur filmmaker, being a tour guide in Europe, what makes good storytelling, and how Marvel has changed the industry for years to come.

Each week, you’ll find new episodes at featuring conversations with intriguing people as we unlock the truths that make us all unique.

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The Endgame and Director's Cut with Ned Phillips | Ep. 08
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