Retirement and Guinness World Records with Daniel Watkins | Ep. 16

On episode 16 of The Buddy Ruski Show, Justin interviews Daniel Watkins aka Danny Blaze, former rapper and your favorite rapper’s favorite Twitter follow.
On episode 16 of The Buddy Ruski Show, Justin interviews Daniel Watkins, aka Danny Blaze.

Danny is a retired rapper and lifelong Durhamite. His journey as a musician is one to be admired for his perseverance through the ever-changing media landscape that indie artists rely so heavily on. Danny didn’t start getting into hip-hop until high school. His story as a professional hip-hop artist began at North Carolina Central University in the classroom of 9th Wonder, acclaimed producer and former member of Little Brother. In 2019, Danny announced he would step away from music after feeling burnt out. You can still find his witty humor and keen observations on Twitter and Instagram at @yaboydannyblaze.

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Retirement and Guinness World Records with Daniel Watkins | Ep. 16
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